This is another GREAT and complicated deal write up!!!! Since you will initially spend $25 YOU will be able to get one of the AWESOME gift cards right away! How to get this SWEET deal? Spend $25 but get a $10 gift card of your choice!
1. Sign up for Mamasource HERE.
2. Sign up for Ebates HERE and Choose from one of the FREE offers $10 Target Gift Card, Gift Card, Home Depot Gift Card, Barnes and Noble Gift Card.
3. Then search “Mamasource” from EBATES and click the ORANGE Shop Now button! Since, you don’t get the sign up gift card or money bonus until you have spent $25 you might not want to use the coupon code listed on ebates. (If you know you will be using ebates more you can save $2.50 off of your purchase but you will have to wait before you qualify for the gift card. It will be up to you.)