Another new Disney Movie coming out on February 17th! What a great story line! “The Secret World of Arrietty,” an animated adventure based on Mary Norton’s acclaimed children’s book series “The Borrowers.” Residing quietly beneath the floorboards are little people who live undetected in a secret world to be discovered, where the smallest may stand tallest of all. I am short this ONE might be a story about me! 😉
Arrietty is a tiny 14 year old that lives in the garden! Like all little people, Arrietty (AIR-ee-ett-ee) remains hidden from view, except during occasional covert ventures beyond the floorboards to “borrow” scrap supplies like sugar cubes from her human hosts. But when 12-year-old Shawn (voice of David Henrie), a human boy discovers Arrietty, this sets Arrietty’s family in to danger! The film hits theaters Feb. 17, 2012.
Before taking your kids to the movie get your FREE Activity Sheets!