I should have done my hair and makeup in this picture. 🙂
Last week I wrote about how I turned in to a “Mom-bie” from a “Mom-zilla”. I am not sure what I am this week other than “nervous mommy”. I feel like my house is never clean because there is always so much to do. I finally did get my bag “sorta” packed, the first week of baby’s laundry washed with some Dreft (OH I love the smell of this detergent)! I have gotten projects of stuff clean but there is so much more to do!
Last week when I was at the doctor (35 weeks) I was told that I was already at a 3 (I am not giving you any detail on that if you don’t know what it means…I am hoping it isn’t TMI for some of you). This week I wasn’t checked but I have had contractions for weeks now. Some that last really long but nothing consistent enough to run to Labor and Delivery. Plus, I am a little scared, excited, and nervous! My biggest issue is getting the house clean (do you think I am nesting yet?). 🙂
A little bit more scariness! My doctor is going to be gone during the week I am due and part of next week and the following week. So there is a GREAT chance I am playing Dr. Roulette because I don’t know who will be there to deliver my baby. Since I have gone through this before I feel better telling myself that I am going to be spending the majority of my time with nurses. =P I am getting the impression my doctor doesn’t think I will last that long. My first was born at 38 weeks and since my contractions are happening all the time, my body is getting ready. Of course, I could still go late =P!
I have gotten over the gaining wait fear I have had. Baby is measuring 37 weeks. This last week my weight remained the same and the last couple of weeks prior to that I have only gained a couple of lbs. So at least I feel better. I know the hunger will go crazy once the baby is born but I will eat the calories I need to nurture her.
Mommy Deals: This week I wanted to share a giveaway with you if you haven’t seen it–> WIN a FREE iPad MINI LOADED with 50 Mom & Kids Apps! (ends 7/17) EASY entry…just name and e-mail! <3
Read last week’s post–> Bargain Baby Update at 35 Weeks Pregnant: When “Mom”zilla Turns in to a “Mom”bie!