Nothing makes memories come alive like re-watching them on video. Suddenly, the colors are more vivid, you feel the joy, the jokes awaken in your mind. And when I watch videos that I was not a part of, I laugh at the hilarity of the family and friends caught on film. The nostalgia of watching family members when they were younger is delightful, and enjoyable.
But how do you make watching home movies fun? Here are some ideas! Let me know in the comments how you enjoy home movies too!
1. Movie theater night – Pop popcorn, make fun drinks, buy the big boxes of Whoppers and Junior Mints. Make the theme “movie theater” and settle in for one of the most funny movies you have seen in a very long time.
2. Film transfer to DVD – To keep the movie night easy, transfer your VHS tapes and 8mm movies to DVD. Then, you can also skip ahead during the worst best parts!
3. BINGO game – Create different BINGO cards and hand them out. Put different frequently seen images on each square. Ideas are: crying, sports, someone falling, etc – personalize it for your family too! And it helps to pre-watch the videos to get ideas of what will be on them.
4. Family reunion with copies sent home as gifts – Home movie DVDs make fantastic party favors! What a way to remember each other than a home movie. Or, you can always hand out gift certificates for video conversion so they can preserve their own personal memories.
5. Guess the people – Don’t tell anyone which home movies you are watching so they are not prepared. As the film goes on, let people guess who they see on screen. This also encourages some really funny story telling too.
What are some other ideas? Share in the comments with ways you have shared home movies with family and friends!
This post written by Annie Shultz of Mama Dweeb on behalf of Yes Video. All opinions are 100% her own, Enza and others might have different opinions. You can reach Annie on Twitter @MamaDweeb.