We piled up a list of the top and best SHAZAM! Quotes from the movie. We sent Movie Mya Tosatto to review the movie and share her favorite quotes. Do you have a favorite line from the film? If so, share with us below. We will continue to grow our quotes list.
SHAZAM! Quotes
“A man needs to know when to stand up for himself.”- Mr. Sivana (John Glover)
“I am the last of the Council of Wizards.”- TheWizard (Djimon Hounsou)
“You want me to do magic?”- Thad (Ethan Pugiotto)
“All my powers will become yours.”- The Wizard to Thad
“Find Us.”- The Magic Eight Ball
“Take it at your own speed.”- Victor Vasquez to Billy about his new family
“Welcome home!”- Darla (Faithe Herman) to Billy
“Maybe don’t say anything too weird.”- Rosa Vasquez (Marta Milans)
“Silence makes me uncomfortable.”- Darla
“Symbols. Ask her about the symbols.”- Dr. Sivana (Mark Strong)
“I’ve been waiting for this moment for so long.”- Dr. Sivana
“I’m not pure of heart.”- Dr. Sivana
“You’re going to run away.”- Freddy (Jack Dylan Grazer) to Billy
“Holy moly.”- Billy Batson (Asher Angel)
“You, Billy Batson, are all I have.”- The Wizard
“My magic must be passed on.”- The Wizard
“My. Name. Is. Shazam.”- The Wizard
“What did you do to me?”- Shazam (Zachary Levi)
“I’m really sad because Billy’s gone.”- Freddy
“You kind of smell.”- Victor to Freddy
“Oh, stupid adult hands.”- Shazam
“What are your super powers?”- Freddie to Shazam
“I’m right here. Can’t you see me?”- Shazam
“Get woke, bro.”- Shazam
“That sounds like a butt thing.”- Shazam
“Forget flying. We just made 73 bucks.”- Freddie
“I AM the fake I.D.”- Shazam
“I’m bullet proof.”- Shazam
“Shoot him in the face.”- Freddy
“Shoot me in the face.”- Shazam
“What’s up? I’m a superhero.”- Shazam
“It’s not a home until you call it a home.”- Victor to Billy
“Is she any good at keeping secrets?”- Billy
“Moderate.”- Darla
“No.”- Freddy
“Sorry I’m late.”- Dr. Sivana
“Outlook- not so good.”- Dr. Sivana
“You can’t go crying to other people all the time.”- Dr. Sivana to his father
“This is power.”- Dr. Sivana to his father
“I’m so sorry I’m late- I got held up at the . . . business office.”- Shazam
“What are you, an old prospector?”- Shazam to Freddy
“Your phone’s charged.”- Shazam
“I can charge a phone with a plug.”- Eugene (Ian Chen)
“Name one cool sidekick.”- Billy
“. . . and this was my underwear.”- Freddy
“Gross.”- Shazam
“This is the worst idea ever.”- Shazam
“You’re being a bad dog.”- Shazam
“Whatever, kid, I do what I want.”- Shazam
“What made you so worthy?”- Dr. Sivana to Shazam
“You grovel like a child.”- Dr. Sivana to Shazam
“I’m floating!”- Shazam
“Freddy, I need your help!”- Shazam
“Get him, Batman!”- Shazam
“SHAZAM!”- Shazam
“Super Villian! Super Villian!”- Freddy
“Worse. Much worse.”- Dr. Sivana
“What’s Freddy doing with a superhero?”- Eugene
“Yes! You guys figured it out!”- Darla
“Billy, you’re him. You’re the hero. “- Mary (Grace Fulton)
“I’m a Foster Mom. What’s your super power.”- Bumper Sticker
“I found my way home.”- Billy
SHAZAM! Is now playing in theaters. Check out our SHAZAM! Review today.