My older children loved reviewing this one! We think this is a great birthday gift for the 8-12 set, boys and girls alike. We all had fun playing with the DJ mixing deck feature, creating our own sounds. And I don’t know much about cars, but even my husband thought the design of the car was pretty slick (we have the black SUV version). He took it to the office to show his friends, and we haven’t seen it since! Good thing it looks like it’s available at all your big box retailers, because I think I’ll have to buy the kids their own, since my biggest ‘kid’ stole ours!
“You mix the beats! Freewheeling DUB Edition™ vehicles with authentic custom accessories and a unique dual mixing deck feature. Play cool music with realistic DJ scratches and push buttons to trigger distinctive vocal phrases and exciting light effects to give every D-Jayz ride its own unique personality!”
Check out their website, to see all the different designs and features: http://toystate.com/our-toys/dub/

I had to opportunity to meet with Toy State at #SheCon12 their toys were SO MUCH FUN! I gave Shanna the product to test drive since my 2 year old would want to play with it but I knew her kids would be able to REALLY TEST it out! Who would have guessed the “BIG KID” took over! LOVE IT! –Enza