Photo bombed by my dog, Penny!
I am 20 weeks and 5 days pregnant, and I am feeling it! 🙂
What is going on with my baby. I am pretty sure I have gained 30 lbs in these 20 weeks, but the nurse at my doctor’s office said I have gained 12 lbs. That sounds so much better than the number in my head, so I am going to go with it! My belly is showing and people are starting to want to touch it. I read something hilarious online about tips on dealing with a pregnant lady (it was a little harsh, but many of you can relate to it).
Since my last update, I have had 2 ultra sounds and we found out we were having a girl! Both ultra sounds gave us the same predictions. My 3 year old has came up with unique names like Burrito, Cinderella, and Minnie. My husband and I have both agreed on the name ‘Chloe’. From now on, you will probably see me reference her as “The New Baby”.

She was a little camera shy and turned her face! BUT there she is! 🙂
The Beautiful: I am feeling little baby movements and I have had 2 more ultra sounds since my last update. I remember feeling my movements a lot more with my first pregnancy. After seeing the ultra sounds it is very reassuring that there is something dancing around like crazy in my belly! I can’t wait to meet her face to face! Sometimes she likes to dance in the middle of the night.
The Ugly: Okay everything is beautiful when you are pregnant. Except my hormones are raging. I am still suffering with morning sickness. Now I have this shooting pain in my lower back-hip-behind area that might be a sciatic nerve. Not to mention, I don’t fit in my clothes and yo-yo’ing between different sizes is really emotionally draining and killing my self esteem. For some reasons my arms look HUGE to me :(. I am determined to get to my correct weight after I have this baby. If I do good I will share my experience with all of you.
The Cravings: So far I haven’t had the bad aversions like I did with my first. BUT darn do I want WATER all the time. Yesterday, the only thing that sounded good was cold crisp veggies and fruit! This is a change from the normal chocolate and cupcakes I usually crave! Another weird craving is BBQ. It doesn’t sound so weird since I am in Kansas City with some of the best BBQ places around but usually I am NOT a BBQ fan, and BOY do I love me some BBQ now-a-days!
The Bargains: This baby I have labeled “My Bargain Baby”! She has a small stock pile of diapers, any baby CVS freebies I have set aside, I am stalking the daily deal sites and it is so much fun! I have shared tons of baby freebies too. If you are looking for a list comment below and I will put one together. Many things do require a shipping fee….BUT if it is FREE…I will take it!
DISCLOSURE: It has been a couple of months since my last update. I was a little hesitant to have lots of updates because of a couple of negative comments.
I am extremely blessed and happy to be having another baby. My husband and I wanted another baby and of course with the grace of God it is happening very smoothly. For those that struggle with pregnancy, I will pray for you that your blessing will come soon.
I understand that I am a Bargain Blogger, but this is also my personal blog. I am always a mother and a wife first…before I am a blogger. I hope you follow me because of ME and not just the deals I find. 🙂
**Are you having a baby or are you a new mommy?*** Let me hear those due dates by commenting below!
Katie says
We are due on August 1st, but I have a feeling it will be a July baby because we decided on a c-section. Had an unexpected c-section with out first and just didn’t want to run into any complications with this one. We have decided on a name also…Piper. We’ve had mostly positve comments on the name, but a few don’t like it. We don’t care…it will fit her just fine 🙂
brandie R says
I think that is a beautiful name 🙂
Lindy says
I am due with baby boy #3 in 2 weeks eeeekkkkk!!!! I’m nervous!
Kim says
I’m 11 weeks preggo with my 3rd. I’m about as big now as you are at 20 weeks! I’m due 10/10, but I think my edd is a few days off. 🙂
Trisha says
My due date with little surprise #3 was the 21st of March but she decided to arrive on the 10th :)! We are very blessed and would love for some good deals seeing as she wasn’t so planned! Lol. I love your updates keep them up, and have a happy healthy pregnancy!
Megan Ulrich says
Oh Enza! I’m right there with you girl! Due July 28th and feeling HUGE. I think we don’t notice the baby’s movements so much because we are too busy taking care of our toddlers! I had that sciatic pain all through my 1st trimester (last time had it 2nd trimester) I finally went to a chiropractor and that helped some. It has also gotten better since I haven’t been lifting my daughter as much. If you can do the yoga “pigeon stretch” that helps but it gets harder to do with a belly! Also bought a roller thing on amazon that helps http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0077QV4OG/ref=oh_details_o01_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1.
brandie R says
Brandie Recore I’m pregnant and due aug 8th 🙂 I have a daughter named Chloe too lol. We don’t know the gender yet because the baby’s legs were crossed 🙁 good luck with the rest of your pregnancy and congrats!
Any tips of how many of each size of diapers to stock up on? I know its hard to judge but I have started some stock and am wondering how much you are aiming for?
brandie R says
I copied and pasted too much lol but it is directed to you 🙂 And I don’t think there is a way to edit. And I can’t believe people would make negative comments!!
Natalie says
Who could ever leave you negative comments? You’re too pretty for all that!!
Melissa W says
I’m expecting too – and probably due about the same time as you. My due date is July 27th. But we found out at 19 weeks that it’s twins! So bring on the baby deals! 🙂
Carol Davis says
I am 26w 1d with baby #6 (boy #5)! Congratulations!