This is definitely not a scene from Hoarders but it sure does look like it! Has anyone ever had a TOYnado in their home?
Time to clean the toy room! Why is it, it takes me hours to clean my kids toys and it takes them seconds to tear it up. They are serious walking little tornados. I renamed this “The TOYnado”! I watched my 1 year old and as I was putting toys in bins she was yanking 10 out at a time and throwing them on the ground. My oldest isn’t any better. She is old enough o be able to clean them up, but when it comes time to clean she gets overwhelmed because she wasn’t cleaning throughout the time she was playing. Then forget it when we have company over in two seconds are toy room looks like a scene from the hit TV show “Hoarders”. With the help from Little Tikes we were able to get more storage in our toy room to help with our cleaning process!
So my husband and I have been trying to clean through the huge mess that we have of the g’zillion toys. So we told the girls that there were no more toys in there bed room or our living room. All the toys had to stay in the basement. As we went through and started cleaning room by room the toys that we weren’t ready to part from got put in the basement. As we brought boxes and baskets of toys downstairs they were getting tossed in a HUGE pile on the floor. See the before and after picture. So I needed a “black and white”/”step by step” process of getting this toy room cleaned and sorted so that I can see the floor and we can make some use of it.
How to CLEAN a MESSY TOYnado! Sponsored by Little Tikes!
- Get all the toys out and about.
- Create keep, trash, and donate piles.
- Then sort through the keep pile and organize them by types of toys depending on what your kids have. I used: stuffed animals, MLP toys, Character toys, cars, play food, dolls, and more.
- Then every toy and “type of toy” needs a home.
- Check the toy room and straighten the toys EVERY night! Have your toddler help you and reward them for doing a good job. You have to teach them how to clean and can’t expect that they know how to do it on their own.
As you can see on the pictures alone the Little Tikes Sort ‘n Storeβ’ Primary Colors Toy Chest really helped out our cleaning process. We needed a place for all of our toys. This worked out great!
Enter to WIN your own Little Tikes toy box to help with your own “Toynado”. This giveaway is sponsored and is for US, 18+ only. By entering you agree that if you win you need to respond within 48 hours to claim prize and winner’s first name will be posted on the widget below. Winner will be notified via e-mail.
Ends Tuesday 8/26 at 11:00pm CST!
Tabitha says
my best tip is reaching your kids to clean the mess up.
put what your done with away before you get a new toy away.
Suzanne h says
I try to clean up each night so the mess stays manageable.
perlita mata says
dont buy them any!! lol just kidding. i get my kiddos to clean up right before I offer them play time outside. it is cool to see their lil bodies moving to clean up just to go outside! π
Kelly D says
My tip is to use labeled bins and let them help.
courtney gibson says
I always try to make a game out of cleaning that way when its time for my son to pick up but he doesn’t want to stop playing he gets one last thing to do before its time to stop playing.
heather sullivan says
I have my kids clean up toys after they play with them and used organized bins!
Holli G. says
Having my kids do it themselves. Otherwise I go quickly and they may not be happy when they don’t find their toys.
Deanna Middendorf says
Sing the same clean up song when it is time to clean up and have specific areas/places for certain toys.
Kristen Roush says
I just make my kids clean up one area before moving on to other toys that way the mess doesn’t get out of hand. Thanks for the chance to win!
Tasha says
My daughter is just getting into the stage where she is concerned about everyone’s feelings. I tell her that she needs to pick up her toys so that no one will trip and fall and hurt themselves. That motivates my daughter to quickly get all her toys picked up.
Susan M says
Trying to teach them to clean up as they play – but that is a difficult thing for most younger children – I have come up with a game that helps her do some of the cleaning on her own to “earn” mommy’s help – she cleans up a certain thing “pick up all the stuffed animals” then comes back to check in with me – then I give her the next task “clean up 23 little dolls” after three or four times then I go help her with the rest!
Alyshia says
I have different color bins for my boys and they put their toys in their colored bin.
Maria B says
I like getting storage bins to organize toys.
Shannon says
I give him a little basket and we “race” to see who can pick up the fastest
Heather Swarthout says
Have separate bins labeled so they know where they are supposed to go.
tara darity says
Have designated spots for everything!!
Arena Thompson says
Get the kids to help pick up. When they pick up they realize how much of a chore it is to clean up a totally destroyed room so they are more likely to put toys back.
Dominica H. says
We make a game of it- see who can clean up the fastest.
Jaclyn Reynolds says
We try to keep half their toys in the basement so they’re rooms have less in them.
Rebecca Parsons says
I always make it game. Whoever gets theirs cleaned up wins an extra 5 min of tv.
Brynn says
Everyone gets assigned to a room in the house and they are responsible for tidying it up before bed. At the end of the week if they tidied up every day they get to choose a treat out of the treat box and mom and dad get to choose their own treats too haha
Shannon says
Donate toys that are no longer played with. Helps organize!
Peggy E says
I just have them pick up before bedtime and have pictures on the containers that show where everything goes.
Nikki Lynn Hanna says
I make my daughter put certain stuff in certain spots, that way when it’s time to clean up, it’s easy
Melissa C says
The clean up song is what we use, it’s fun for the kids and motivates them to clean up…clean up…everybody do your share! π
Samantha Plotkin says
Clean up every couple hours throughout the day so it doesn’t get overwhelming.
Mrs B says
To help them clean without complaining, I give them specific tasks that are easy to complete (like “pick up all of the crayons on the floor”), rather than saying, “Clean your room.”
Kelly says
I have my toddler clean up his own mess and sing the clean-up song so he doesn’t get bored π
Janet W. says
My tip is to have a designated spot for each toy. That way it will be easier for the child to know where it’s supposed to go when they’re done playing with it. Also, don’t let the mess get out of hand. Clean up frequently instead of waiting for a huge mess to clean up all at once.
Alisha H. says
I got my daughter to start helping me pick up her toys before she could walk. I would sit a bin on the floor and start filling it up and she would scoot (she never crawled) over there and help and I would praise her. Eventually she started doing it on her own. Another tip is to have a bin for each type of toy (blocks, dolls, etc.) because it makes it fun for them and teaches them to sort by type.
Jessica Lawrence says
It’s all about organization and having enough bins/baskets to store things.
Suzanne Marble says
The best tip I have is to have ur kids clean up a little before getting somethi g new out. My 16 month lovea picking up
Melissa Dealmeida says
I try to make it a game like who can do it the fastest!
Jennifer Rote says
M tip is teach your children to put something away before taking more out.
Morgan says
We use storage bins to organize our toys in catorgories. It works great! AND we don’t get to play with another toy until the first toy is put up propertyly π
Brandi B says
Lately I tell my son that I am going to time him. He gets really into it.
Heather Baker says
I like to organize as much as possible so the kids know where things are so they aren’t as apt to tear apart the room looking for something.
Carly D. says
Organization is key! Everything has a spot and needs to be put away before starting new games!
Aqdas Ahmed says
Tip: Start cleaning one section at a time so that kids don’t get tired.
Kimberly Schotz says
We have lots of large baskets. It keeps the clutter contained.
jeremy mclaughlin says
Having bins labeled always helped.
Lynsay Leitner says
My tip is to teach children once done with the toy put it away or you will spend all day cleaning up your mess!!
Jenn M says
We do the rotate storage boxes. Less stuff out at a time and the we change out to another one. Like having new toys again.
Heather Dawn says
My tip is to make cleaning fun. I like to have a designated spot for everything.
Amanda says
I am ruthless about giving away toys that don’t get played with anymore.
Tiffany Hartwell says
Lots of toy boxes, totes, and bins
Iliana R says
I have a rule that if you play with a toy you have to put it back or else you can’t play with that toy in the future and it actually works!
Brooke Thomas says
practing putting away before moving to the next item
shanna says
We sing the Clean Up Song. My daughters are 1 – and love singing and cleaning up to that song!
ReadWriteRed says
Allow one type of toy out at a time
jessica edwards says
If you don’t clean it up, you lose it!
Teresa Thompson says
We always put away toys before we bring out others.
allyson tice says
We teach our kids to clean up their toys by making every clean up time a singing game!! They love to sing wheile putting away toys! it makes it fuN!!
Lindsey says
Making sure that the kids know where their toys go can help make cleanup easier. We try to tidy up the living room before dinner each night to make clean up easier.
Sarah Kurtz says
I try to pick up when they nap and go to bed. My oldest helps.
melissa butt says
I would love this for my daycare toys! These products really hold up to the daily wear and tear!
melissa butt says
We always sing the clean up song gets my kids cleaning every time!
Eileen says
Keep organized!! Lots of bins for small toys,book shelves and a toy box for bigger toys.
Cassia A. says
My kids love positive reinforcement, so as long as I make sure to acknowledge how good they clean up, they continue to do it and seem to enjoy it.
Shauni R. says
I set a timer to have my sons put away the toys and make it a race to see how fast they can clean their mess up.
Kelly Kimmell says
I always get my daughter to help me pick up her toys.
Sandy Cook Norman says
storage box
Shayna says
We make it part of our evening every night before bed. Mommy helps him put away his toys then we get ready for bed π
Pamela Lewis says
We sing silly songs until the toys are put away….then we have a pick up trash song…..goes by pretty fast.
Lesley M says
One a new toy comes in, an old toy goes out. Keeps the toy account at a reasonable level.
Maureen says
I have three children and we have them clean up what they are playing with before moving on to the next thing.
Luna S says
I put all the ‘like’ things together, such as all the dress up toys go into one box.
Angela says
Make sure you pick up some each time you go by. Don’t leave it thinking you will get it later. Then it piles up.
Nancy says
Just say “no” to junky toys that cause clutter. Buy classic children’s toys that will be used for years and that run on imagination instead of batteries. Don’t load up on stuffed animals – 1 or 2 is enough. You can also rotate your toys so everything isn’t out at one time.
jenn giannetto says
i have bins for collections of toys that go together.
Peggy Johnson says
toys need to be put away before starting another activity
karen says
i put pictures on bin so they know what bin to put the top into
Joelle says
Only have as many toys as you have storage space. Easier said than done! Haha!
Kelley Roach says
I try to clean up each night so the mess stays manageable.
Tara says
I try to get rid of things that my son doesn’t like anymore so there is less for him to have to pick throw and throw on the ground
Melissa Mazzur says
We have cleanup time befoe snack, nap, and bed. It helps alot@!
Melissa says
Always put toys away after playing and before taking new ones out!
Ty says
We make a game out of cleaning up toys and they get gold stars which they love since they’re young.
michelle k. says
Make it a game, pick up by color
Francine Anchondo says
Have the kids help clean up and make it into a game.
Audra watts says
Clean up before you take more out
Shauntea Crutcher says
I regularly check my kids toys so I can get rid of the broken ones and the ones they have outgrown.
Camiele says
I make them do it and don’t keep bring in too many toys into the house.
Sara Sharp says
We sing the cleanup song, they also don’t get their snack until after it’s done. Another thing we do is keep ONLY one toy out at a time, at least try.
kelly thompson says
my tip is to teach them while they are young and give a treat for a job well done!
amanda hardesty says
I keep labeled bins and try to get them to clean as they go to avoid big messes later
Ashley C says
I like to keep all of the kids toys in one room because it makes clean up eaiser. Otherwise the kids are all over the house taking out toys in every room and at the end of the day the house is a disaster
Belinda says
My tip is to regularly purge broken toys or toys that don’t get played with. Broken items can be dangerous and just cause unnecessary clutter and unused toys can be donated.
liz l says
A set time- usually 7pm
Dan g says
Try to make it fun!
Dan g says
Try to make it fun so they don’t see it only as a chore
Debra Holloway says
I made my kids clean up their toys and their messes. I started when they were young. I started off my helping them and making them feel good about helping me, and I progressed it to telling them how well they do it.
Alayne Langford says
Once the kids are old enough, make the cleaning up fun. We always sang the good old tune “Tidy up Tidy up everybody Tidy up…NOW” By the word Now, they had to drop at least 1-2 items in the box. Well this would be fantastic for my new grand daughter. Thanks for the chance!!
Sarah Cool says
Try to stay on top of it so it doesnt get ridiculous and I like making a game out of cleaning with a reward at the end, makes it more fun.
Dawn Monroe says
I try to make a game of it but if that doesnt work I tell them no more until the others are picked up.
Jan Hammersmith says
play with a few toys at a time
Samantha Daleo says
I have always tried to just get them off the floor into containers. I watch and if there are some toys my kids haven’t played with in a while, I box those and move them to another room without them knowing. If they don’t ask about them after a certain amount of time, I give them to charity.
latanya says
I make it seem like teamwork by helping my son put them away
Lesley F says
I have bins and the toys have to go back into specific bins when they are done playing
The Happy Wife/Danielle Garcia says
Involve the kids and show them how to keep their messes manageable by putting away things as they are done with them.
Erin Hussman says
We clean up as we play.
Abigail says
I like to try to buy toys that come in their own storage cases to make cleanup and storage a little easier
MaryAnn says
Start teaching them from a very young age. Both my kids were able to clean up their toys by age 2.
Terra Heck says
Have labeled bins in the room so the child knows what goes where. Also, tell the child to pick up one thing before playing with another. Thanks.
Jeanine says
I make a game out of it by counting to a certain number and my grandchildren race to pick up their toys to see who will finish first.
Patricia Wojnar Crowley says
very tiring!
Stacey b says
My tip is to wait until they go to bed before you clean up the mess!
Stephanie O'Day says
Lay a sheet/towel on the floor and scoot all of the little toys onto it. Then, you can just pick up the sheet/towel and dump the little toys into a toybox.
Misha Estrada says
I try to pick everything up daily, so it doesn’t turn into a huge job.
Kassie Brown says
I have organization bins for everything, but I also make the kids clean up as they go.
Heidi V. says
Whomever finishes first gets to pick the after dinner movie.
Angela P. says
The best thing is to teach them to help clean up when they are little.. otherwise you’ll always be doing it by yourself.
Sarah Ann Walker says
My tip is to have designated baskets for certain toy types. We have soft toy, baby toy, toddler toy, cars and trucks, balls, and action figures baskets. Each basket is color coded and labeled to make it easy for both toddlers and children to put away their toys regularly.
Ella Brooks says
Listen to Music while cleaning
Morgan M says
i make sure that they put everything away before taking out new toys so there’s less of a mess. π
rosemary says
Amanda K says
I keep a lot of things in their closet that they don’t play with regularly. Only the toys that are used on a daily basis stay out in their room. I also make cleaning up a game, where they race me to pick up the most toys, and of course they always win.
Lilia Kharabora says
Don’t have a gazillion toys! Have what they need and love.. the rest will just be clutter.
Lauryn R says
I always wait until all of the kids are asleep before cleaning up their mess of the day. It definitely helps a lot to have some sort of organization/storage for the toys, even if the kids can create a tornado like mess in 0.5 seconds each morning! I try to make cleaning up fun for them as well, even if it never stays that way for long. They are ages 5,1, and 3 months, so it’s not always easy to get them to clean up. I would love to win such an awesome toy box for them, it would help a great deal!
Michelle S says
Tell my child if she doesn’t clean up her toys they’re getting donated. Make it “fun” by having colored bins and help her out.
Jessica waters says
We keep everything labeled in bins.
Carissa Joslyn says
For toys I have a big bin that I have full of toys & I put them in my closet in my room and swap them out every few months, so they are new and interested, and not over whelmed with so many toys.
Mandy Weirick says
Make sure that there is a designated place for each toy!
Shecki says
My eldest was a preschooler in the Barney era. We sang the clean up song. As we added new children to the family, cleaning up was simply expected of each person, so it was easy to teach.
Sabbiarelli says
Thanks for sharing!