If our writer Myla Tosatto told me she purchased Pokémon wall paper, it wouldn’t surprise me. We love Pokémon. She plays it on her app and my last name is Ketcham, so it doesn’t get better than that, does it? She reviewed the film and shared her favorite Pokémon Detective Pikachu Quotes from the movie.
Pokémon Detective Pikachu Quotes
Myla Tosatto
“But Cubone is. . . “- Jack (Karan Soni)
“Lonely.”- Tim Goodman (Justice Smith)
“Give me the ball.”- Tim to Jack
“It has to choose you, too.”- Jack to Tim
“I did it. I still got it.”- Tim
“That was one angry Cubone. He reminded me of my mother.”- Jack
“Please don’t.”- Tim to Lickitung
“Your dad was the best of the best.”- Lt. Yoshida (Ken Watanbe) to Tim
“How come you don’t have a Pokémon?”- Lt. Yoshida to Tim
“Psyduck.”- Psyduck
“Are you trying to rob me or just annoy me?”- Tim to Psyduck
“Newsflash- they’re all cute.”- Lucy Stevens about Pokémon
“Ow. That’s a sprain.”- Pikachu (Ryan Reynolds)
“Did you just talk?”- Tim to Pikachu
“I’ve been so lonely.”- Pikachu
“Uh oh. Put your pants back on.”- Pikachu
“You’re a hallucination.”- Tim
“You’re a hallucination.”- Pikachu
“Me? I don’t wear underwear. I’m not modest.”- Pikachu
“I could use a coffee.”- Pikachu
“I can feel it in my jellies.”- Pikachu
“Magic brought us together.”- Pikachu
“I never do this. I’m not that kind of a Pokémon.”- Pikachu
“Are you going to make me into a lamp shade?”- Pikachu
“Smell my finger.”- Pikachu
“I would never smell your finger.”- Tim
“Coward.”- Pikachu
“That’s a metaphor.”- Pikachu
“Serenity now.”- Pikachu to Psyduck
“I’m good cop, you’re bad cop.”- Pikachu to Tim
“That went dark fast. I like this.”- Pikachu
“Talk, you stupid mime!”- Pikachu to Mr. Mime
“I forget things. That’s what I do.”- Pikachu
“Pika pika.”- Pikachu
“Magikarp is the worst.”- Tim
“Hey, Tim, I don’t float.”- Pikachu
“I told you Magikarp weren’t useless.”- Pikachu
“Well, that’s a bad guy car.”- Pikachu
“That’s a twist. That’s very twisty.”- Pikachu
“I think he just peed a little. No, that was me.”- Pikachu
“This dame’s looking for danger.”- Pikachu
“After you, Psyduck.”- Pikachu
“It’s like they’re trying to manipulate Pokémon evolution.”- Lucy
“Get a splitting headache now, you psychotic duck.”- Pikachu to Psyduck
“At this point, how could you not believe in climate change?”- Pikachu
“Eye. Eyeball.”- Pikachu
“I’ve been waiting for you.”- Mewtwo
“I can feel it in my jellies.”- Tim
“Pokémon, gotta catch ‘em all.”- Pikachu
Cassandra D says
Wow ! A lot of interesting quotes.
Alyx says
What about “I’m good at being alone at night” – Tim