I had the opportunity to interview Sarah Vowell & Huck Milner while in LA for the Incredibles 2 Press Junket. Let me tell you that the two of these actors are so different yet in real life they mesh like they are a real brother and sister duo. Huck is the NEW voice in this movie. In the first Incredibles it was played by Spencer Fox. Dash took the role and did great in his role! Sarah also did an amazing job and her voice didn’t change at all after 14 years which is quite amazing!
We are so excited to share the Q&A with all of you from this interview!
This trip was sponsored by Disney/Pixar. This post contains commission links if you happen to make a purchase.
This interview was part of my visit to L.A. for the Incredibles 2 Press Junket.
Sarah Vowell is the voice of “Violet Parr” who is also sisters with Dash! Her background is radio! She just so happened to get “lucky” to become Violet Parr! Her voice and acting was amazing and she did a great job as the big sister in this movie!
Hunk Milner is the voice of “Dash Parr”! This is his very first movie! He was so cute and adorable to interview and I am sure we will see a lot more of him in Hollywood!
Here are some highlights of our interview:

Photo Credit: MomStart.com
Who’s your favorite superhero?
Huck: “Dash.” (Second Favorite?) “Flash.” “I like people who are fast.”
About Brad Bird?
Sarah: “For those of you who get older, you know like the number of people who really believe in you and know what to do with you, it’s a pretty small number. And he has definitely been that for me. “
Sarah, how did you get into a Pixar movie coming from public radio?
Sarah: “It was because they were casting or thinking about casting the first film, and I think Brad was in his car listening to the radio and heard one of my public radio documentaries and was so taken with the gravitas and maturity of my voice that he made me into a junior high — he heard a junior high school student who becomes a superhero in that….So, yeah, people who are actors are like how do I become a voice actor. Like, go into journalism.”
If you either of you have a superhero power in real life, what would it be?
Huck: “Mine would be super speed like Dash, probably because I’m really slow in real life. I cannot beat my cousins or my sisters at any game involving running.”
Sarah: “As a middle-aged lady, I would love super strength, because I don’t know if any of you have like those rubber jar opener things.”
Huck, when did you decide you wanted to be an actor?
Huck: “I didn’t really decide, but when I was four my sisters were in plays. And they introduced me to plays. And when I got into plays I just really loved them. “
What was your favorite, most proud scene of your characters’ superhero moment?
Sarah: “It’s actually just the animators and the music, but there was that moment in the cave and Violet, you know, on the island when they need to go save Bob, the — Elastigirl and Violet and Dash. And Violet is like I don’t know if I can do this, and her mother says you’ve gotta step up. And she decides, okay, I’m gonna try. And she goes out of the cave, and like she stands up and, you know, almost does the superhero pose and puts her mask on.”
Huck: “My favorite part with my character, well, in the new movie when he — well, it wasn’t really a superhero part. I just liked it when he was pressing buttons. Crushing a couch inside of a water feeder.”
Did you get to anything really cool when you’re in the booth recording?
Huck: “I actually one time put on the Incredibles suit and ran around the entire Pixar Studios.”
Sarah: “Like the first time I had to make a sound where Violet was being punched by her brother. And I was like you’re gonna have to come over here and punch me. So, I would stand at the microphone. He would stand next to me and like hit me in the arms.”
Did you like watching/listening to yourself on the screen?
Huck: “It was a little annoying, but it’s like my favorite movie. But then it’s like the most dreadful movie that I’m gonna watch, because all of my friends are sometimes gonna make fun of me, or they’re gonna congratulate me. Or I’m gonna watch it and I’m gonna be, like, oh, no, I don’t like that part. I’m gonna go in the other room.”
Sarah, what does Violet represent to you?
Sarah: “Like all the members of the family, their powers are stemmed from the psychology of like wherever that person is at their stage in life. So, like a ten-year-old boy has way too much energy and runs around. And so, you know, the fact that Violet, especially when the first movie starts, she hasn’t really developed her powers yet, but she has them and they reflect kind of her insecurities and her annoyances. So, like becoming invisible is sort of like that teenage girl thing where you just wanna like, you know, hide.”
This post is part of a series from our Incredibles 2 Press Junket trip. It was a Pixar and Disney related press trip that focussed on the new biggest anticipated animated movie, Incredibles 2! Check out the trailer below and don’t forget to order your tickets below!