If you are stumbling across this page and looking for specific Silence movie quotes, we created a list that we feel you will love! Also we are always looking for ways to help you save at the theater if you are looking to go and watch Adam Driver again! Be sure to also check out our Silence Movie Review that we published!
Silence Movie Quotes
“He’s the strongest of us.”- Father Rodrigues about Father Ferreira
“We have no choice but to save his soul.”-Father Garrpe
“You will be the last two priests to go to that country. An army of two.”- Father Valignano (Ciarán Hinds)
“We’ve trusted that man with our lives.”- Father Garrpe
“Jesus trusted even worse.”- Father Rodrigues
“…and you’re a bad Jesuit.”- Father Rodrigues teasing Father Garrpe
“Your faith gives you strength, Mokichi.” Father Rodrigues
“I wish you would stop causing me such pain.”- Grand Inquisitor (Issey Ogata) victim blaming
“If you feel you must punish someone, punish me alone.”- Father Rodrigues
“The price of your glory is their suffering.”- Grand Inquisitor
Martin Scorsese’s SILENCE tells the story of two Christian missionaries (Andrew Garfield and
Adam Driver) who face the ultimate test of faith when they travel to Japan in search of their missing mentor (Liam Neeson) – at a time when Christianity was outlawed and their presence forbidden. The celebrated director’s 28-year journey to bring Shusaku Endo’s 1966 acclaimed novel to life will be in theaters this Christmas.Cast:
Andrew Garfield, Adam Driver, Tadanobu Asano,Ciarán Hinds and Liam Neeson
Purchase discounted tickets by using Dealflicks.com! Feel free to save an additional 20% by using the code RFGGTRFLUF at checkout!
Angela Saver says
I’m looking forward to seeing this movie with my hubby! Great review!
Renee Walters says
This looks like a good movie. I am interested in seeing it. Thanks!