There are tons of baby monitors to pick. When I had the opportunity to work with V-Tech, I jumped up on the offer. The product I reviewed was the Vtech Safe & Sound Full Color Video and Audio Monitor. I use to have a baby monitor with my daughter and it had a really small screen and I couldn’t hear her very well just see her. It did it’s job it was one of the lowest cost monitors I can find. It also didn’t last very long before the sound stopped working all together. This one feels, looks, and is much nicer than what I had in the past!

TWO WEEKS AGO: I just now plugged in the VTech Video Monitor and I am super impressed on all of the cool features it has.
- It has temperature control! So I can set an alert if the baby’s room gets too hot or too cold. Right now we have been changing our air conditioner from 65-69 degrees since I feel like a walking heater. We know that we have to work on getting a warmer temperature to keep the new baby warm and comfy! So this way if upstairs gets too warm or even too cold we can make sure our baby is comfortable!
- It has a Talk button! So if I hear the little one starting to cry or even talk I can sing back to her or just talk right back and let her know that, “mommy is on her way upstairs”.
- I think of a video monitor being a necessity for the face that I am very protective. If the baby isn’t in the room with me, I would have to check on her every few seconds. This way I can get the peace of mind of seeing her little breaths of air as I am in a different room of the house!
- It has a silent mode! I can change the parent monitor with the video screen to be on vibrate. This will help from my oldest daughter to not only hear the baby crying but the echo of her crying in my room too! Also, if my husband and I are trying to watch a movie or we have company over I can clip on the monitor and only go up when I feel it vibrate.
UPDATE: Now since my little one is born, I can tell you my personal experience. So far she hasn’t left my side. Now I have it plugged in upstairs in her crib so when my older daughter is up there playing I can hear her too. I love the fact that the parent monitor charges while it is plugged in so I am not having to worry about battery replacement either. That makes this pretty nice!
TODAY: She took a short nap in her crib and I was able to have peace of mind that she was doing okay upstairs my herself! This gave me a little one on one time with big sis!
WOW! This monitor is usually $129.95 but on Sale at Amazon for ONLY $99.98! That is 23% off! A great deal you won’t want to miss!
Mama to 5 BLessings says
I so need to get another baby monitor – thank you for sharing this information!
Sarah Bailey says
What a great idea to help you know exactly whats going on with your little one x