How would you like to WIN a Kindle Fire! This one is easy without having to like 10 page to participate! What better way to start off the weekend then with a giveaway for a Kindle Fire!!!!
We have teamed up with some AMAZING bloggers to give everyone a chance at winning a Kindle Fire (RV $199.99)!! This giveaway will run from Friday 8/17 – 12:01AM on Monday 8/20
We hope you enjoy this giveaway as much as we do sharing it with you!!! Good Luck!!
You must be 18 years of age to enter and a US resident. Remember that you are not holding any of the blogs listed or Kindle liable for this giveaway. Winners will be chosen via chance in the widget above.
Jennifer Crowell says
turn it on and download books =)
Todd B says
Start looking for books to download
Gail says
I would start downloading books!
michelle niernberg says
If I won the kindle fire I would give it to my daughter ๐
Tonya Payne says
Enjoy it.
Mariah says
Love these giveaways, so much fun!
kitt jones says
I’d download all kinds of books:)
karyn cannon mccoy says
Would be awesome to win!!!
James A says
Download several books that I’ve been meaning to read.
Stephanie White says
I would load it with books!
Barbara Mayes says
I would purchase several of my favorite books, The Green Mile, The Time Travelor’s Wife and maybe even Flowers in the Attic!
Lorie McGuire says
I would start downloading free books from Amazon- especially cookbooks.
karyn cannon mccoy says
i would download movies first,we travel alot,so it def. come in handy:)
Taffy Massey says
If I won I’d start downloading books immediately for myself AND my kiddos!
Kristen says
Hide it from my husband! He lost the one I bought in February and I LOVED it!!
Tanya says
Enjoy it to myself since my tot completely took over mines!
Sonia B says
Give it to my kids!
Lisa A. says
The first thing I would do is read the directions and try to figure out how to turn it on! ๐
Camiele says
The first thing I would probably do with it is play with it!
Carey-Anne says
where do i post to your blog? i would love to win a kindle fire…upload music and videos as well as books and audible books
omeshia g. says
make it known to everyone in the house that it is MINE!! Very little can be claimed in a home with a spouse and 4 kids! lol
melissa posey says daughter so I can have my phone back!
Emily B. says
Put children’s books on it so I can take it with me while tutoring. ๐
Liz says
The first thing I would do is set up my email!! My parents have a Kindle Fire and I set up theirs for them, but I didn’t put mine up on it.
Lindsay S. says
If I won, the first thing I would do is get some free games and books! I can’t get anything for free with my Barnes & Noble Nook!
Mary Rieves says
I would love Kindle Fire! I have been wanting one! I love to read and have lots of books and belong to a lot of authors groups! Please please! ๐
Meg says
I would start downloading tons of books!!!!!!
Gwen Stanley says
The first thing I’d do is try to figure out how to use it!
Susie Beal says
Dance, of course!
Cortney van Weerdhuizen says
Def get the hunger games series!
Cyndy Garcia says
If I won the first thing I would probably do is take it out and take a picture with it!!!!!! Oh and then probably smell it because just like there is a new car smell I like to believe there is a new eletronic gagdet smell! LOL
Jocelyn Dorsey says
The 1st thing I would do is a serious “Happy Dance” because I have wanted one ever since they came out!
Angela Hightree says
Download lots of movies to it:)
brooke t says
turn it on! ๐
Rae Cicelske says
Download and read, read, read !!!
Kristy Kennedy says
Save it for a christmas present!
Margi says
Kindle is great!
Heather Franco says
The first thing I would do if I won the Kindle Fire is download books and learning games for my children.
Tabitha Pyle says
i’d turn it on and play with it. lol
Anne Loyd says
I would give it to my son for his birthday and play angry birds with him first thing!
Tosh says
I would save it as a Christmas Gift for my MIL!!!
Debbie West says
I would give this to my daughter as her Birthday Gift.
Jennifer L says
The 1st thing I would do with my Kindle Fire is to download free books from Amazon and get Netflix on it!!
karen mirau lahoe says
I would love to download some books
Sarita D says
Download a bunch of free books!
pam oden says
the first thing I would do is transfer all the books on my tiny little phone to my kindle reader and sit down for a long reading spell.
Darlene Freiboth says
I would start reading books again and share it with my kids.
First I would be jumping up and down screaming. And when I was done I would start downloading books. : )
aline smith says
I would load all the movies i have thru amazon on it!
amanda says
Reads some books!
Cara James says
Play with it!:)
Lori says
would love to win the Kindle
lacy says
Christina says
Download apps.
Brittany M Doerfler says
hide it from hubby ๐
Kim Finnegan says
Would love to have for my college student
Kerryann Boure says
I’d give it to my Mom. She reads a lot since my dad died.
Tara Woods says
The first thing I would do is download a movie.
Suzanne Davis says
I would download new books and listen to music.
Krissie M says
I would transfer all the eBooks I’ve downloaded through Amazon to it. After turning it on of course. ๐
Jennifer McVea says
Thanks for giveaway, you guys are truly amazing!
download 50 shades of gray and read it!!!!
Jennifer McVea says
The first thing I would do with the kindle fire is look for Middle School homework tips books to help my son as he enters 8th grade
Theresa Richard says
Would love to win one. I know that one of these are not in our budget, but would come in handy with homeschooling! Thanks for the chance to win!
Dominic Wassel says
Kindle fire would be an awesome win.
January says
I would use it for everything, but mostly for researching for community improvements and school aid.
Balynda says
Would love to win!
Kimberly H says
Download all of my favorite Stephen King books and sneak off and spend the afternoon reading!
Leslie Mounts says
I would turn it on and go to town having lots of fun!!!
Brandy Chouest says
I would start downloading books!
Christine Jensen says
Wrap it up for my son for Christmas!
dawn says
Download & read favorite mystery books including classics.
Nicole Mealing says
give it to my Son for his Birthday! he’s begging for a tablet, Reader, etc. we have been trying to work it into our budget, to WIN one would be awesome…
Martha Bunge says
I would load it with books!
Shayndy Abrahamson says
Use it for e-books
Ericka Chatman says
I would download all of my school books to cut cost on buying books.
katie mccomas says
The first thing Iโd do is try to figure out how to use it!
Talica T Cranston says
If I win (fingers crossed in,.. I’ll go to my Amazon acct and start downloading!
Lindsay says
I would give it to my daughter who just celebrated her 9th birthday and download all the ebooks I have bought for her and her siblings.
tracey says
I would download some easy reader books for my 6 year old to read to me.
sabrina says
give it to my daughter. she has been bugging me for one for a long time. said she would not bother me about how long i take at the grocery store if i get her one.
Tiffany says
I would start downloading books that I have got from Amazon, and new ones of course. ๐
Amanda Gant Wegner says
I’d wrap it up as an anniversary present for my hubby!
Angel Hunnell says
Explore it!
Pam says
Download new books!!!
Cassie Bartholomew says
I would give it to my husband.
Bonnie Fox says
Use it to entertain my toddler! We’re driving from Michigan to Gatinburg to Memphis, back to Michigan! My buddy is a trooper! ๐
amy s says
I would download some games for my almost 3 yr old and some books for me
stacy norris says
Read more books
Mary Ann Dilloway says
Icould sure use a new one I have the very first one!!!!!
Nichole cicero says
I would download some books and movies! (oh and try to keep it hidden from my toddler) haha
April R says
Probably give it to my mom! ๐ She deserves it!
April S says
Turn it on and start reading!
Brittany Smith says
I would so love to win a kindle fire. I love reading.
mindi says
start transferring from my touch to the kindle and read away
Mary Beth Elderton says
I start a new library! Books,books, books!
Claudia says
This will be my wedding gift to my fiance, he wants one!
Jaime Porkarski says
I would turn it on and look for free books and apps!
sheila staley says
get e books
Yvonne says
I’d love to win one of these for a road trip I’m going on at the end of October!
Michele says
I would give it to my son! He loves to read and it would help to support his reading habit!
Tricia says
Play with it!
Connie Tillman says
If I won a Kindle Fire I would never put it down ๐
Melanie says
Download lots of apps!
baby deals says
I’d download like 10 books I’ve been wanting to read ๐
Jen R says
Would LOVE to put some toddler learning books on there for my inquisitive 2 1/2 yr old!
Katie says
Kindle Fire has been on my wishlist for a while, and now my 4 yr old daughter wants one too!
mary says
trun it on
Jen Jones says
I would start downloading books! And apps, and music, and . . .
Kam says
I would have one for MYSELF instead of sharing my phone with my kids all the time and feeling left out…
Laura PoolGirl says
I would give it to my mom. She’s housebound and loves to read.
Pamela Hansen says
I would download books for my grandchildren to read
Sam says
Download all the books I’ve been dying to read lately!
Michelle O. says
I would use it to read all the free christian fiction books ๐
Gina says
I would love to give this to my son for Christmas! He loves to read and read and read!!
Angel says
If I won this Kindle Fire, I would download my favorite books and read away the day!!!
Meynda says
Love trying to win. I have never won anything yet so it would be nice to have a first.
Kristiana M says
I would load it with all my favorite books both paper and audio versions.
Shawn says
This would help me to read more…and relax! Thank for the chance!
Angie McGinley says
play with it
Trisha Fernandes says
I would share it with my son and download books both of us could read
Jeannie says
I would hide it in my closet and save it for my son, he asked for one for Christmas ๐
Danielle says
I would give it to my husband!
Michelle Winn says
I would take advantage of all the free ebook offers I keep seeing!
Sarah G. says
Read, read, and read…then Angry Birds…lol!
Terri-Lynn Dupe says
Would love to win to read books on the go ๐ without carrying a bunch of heavy books
Shanna MCCormack says
I would love this. Thank you for the opportunity.
Vanessa Sprouse says
I would look for a new book to read!
jade tallen says
would love you forever and download something on it! how generous.. ๐
Terri Berg says
I would fill it up with ebooks to read!