Miss Hannigan (Cameron Diaz), Pepper (Amanda Troya), Mia (Nicolette Pierini), Mrs. Kovacevic (Stephanie Kurtzuba), Stacks (Jamie Foxx), Annie(Quvenzhane Wallis) and Grace (Rose Byrne) sing “Tomorrow” in Columbia Pictures’ ANNIE.
There is nothing I love more than movie quotes. They stick with you forever! I loved the new ANNIE movie! I created this list of the top 10 ANNIE quotes from the movie. They didn’t all come from ANNIE (Quevenzhanè Wallis), but several did and some came from Will Stacks (played by Jamie Foxx) and other even from Miss Hannigan (played by Cameron Diaz). There were some pretty amazing themes and some pretty great quotes from the film!

Annie ( QUVENZHANE WALLIS) and Will Stacks ( JAMIE FOXX) take Sandy for a walk in Columbia PIctures’ ANNIE.
List of ANNIE Quotes from the movie:
From Will Stacks to Annie: “Why are you running?” “It gets me places quicker.”
From Annie: “If your building gets any taller, its going to hit the sun!”
From Will Stacks: “No matter who you are or what you are…” you can do good!
From Annie: “I think when people say no. They are too scared to say “yes”.”
From Annie: “My presentation is up here. (points to head)”
From Miss Hannigan: “Wake up, Rats!”
From Miss Hannigan: “Aren’t I supposed to be married to George Clooney?”
From one foster child to another: “What does ‘it’s a hard knock life mean?” “It means our life sucks.”
From Will Stacks: “You know, Annie. Sometimes what you are looking for is right in front of your face.”
From Annie: Someone wishes Annie Good Luck and she replies with “Luck is for suckers!”
From Miss Hannigan: “Why you so nice to me, the way I treat you?” LOU: “Because under all that bitter, there’s a sweet lady with a big heart. She’s just been gone for a while…that’s all”
From a music number: “I don’t need anything but you.”
I was a huge fan of the movie! Be sure to check out my review that I wrote The New Annie Movie.
Melissa says
There was another one I can’t remember, but really want to. Someone wishes Annie luck and she says something like “Luck is for chumps…” or “luck is for losers…” It wasn’t that harsh, but it was something like that. It’s early on when she’s trying to get to the restaurant to wait for her parents. I’d really like to know the quote! Help!!!
Enza Ketcham says
Thank you! It is “Luck is for suckers!” I just added it and confirmed with Annie Movie twitter handle! 🙂
melissa says
Thanks! That was a good one!
Eric says
HANNIGAN: “Why you so nice to me, the way I treat you?”
LOU: “Because under all that bitter, there’s a sweet lady with a big heart. She’s just been gone for a while…that’s all”