I just took this picture after getting back from the pool…it is a swimsuit cover up…Mommy doesn’t usually show that much leg! 🙂
I am 33 weeks and I am feeling a bit a lot like Momzilla! I guess I can’t complain too much, because I am on the final stretch of this pregnancy! I am super excited to meet my newest bundle of joy who is a true gift from God! My hormones have got the best of me for sure! Which is why I reference “Momzilla”. I keep getting on cleaning frenzies…I work my butt off and then I am in pain and usually crying by the end of the night. My daughter is having trouble adjusting why I am just not that mobile as usual! My patience are less than usual.
My body definitely hurts! I was given a little bit of a self esteem booster when I had only gained 1 lb in three weeks. If you have read my previous posts, I have been really stressed about my weight gain (although it isn’t too off track). But weight gain and feeling hormonal is a bad mixture! 🙂
So I don’t have much to say other than we have SO much to do until the baby is born! I want to clean everything! 🙂 I also go out of town next week which is going to get me behind in my cleaning. I guess the mess will still be there when I get back!
Last Saturday, we celebrated my daughter’s 4th birthday. I totally overdid it with cramp like contractions for about 12-14 hours. I didn’t go in to the hospital but waited until I was able to get home rest and see if they were still happening in the morning. Whenever I start to do too much the contractions start up. I am not wanting an early baby so time for me to slow down!
Here are my tips on dealing with Pregnant Momzilla Moments (now only if I can follow them)!
- Take a BREAK! Just stop what you are doing, and go and lay down…by yourself. It is okay, cry just a little bit.
- Be aware that is the hormones taking over and you are’t having a breakdown because the dishes are dirty (or whatever silly reason has got you upset).
- As hard as it may be, don’t take it out on the little ones. Your kiddos aren’t doing anything that bad, they might just not be working as quickly as you would like. Remove their distraction, talk to them about what you would like, don’t do it while you are upset.
- Before addressing an issue….take a break. This will give you a chance to figure out what you want to say in your head…after you emotions tell you what they want you to say (never right) then you can realize how silly you sound.
- Treat yourself and don’t feel guilty.
Read previous pregnancy updates:
Bargain Baby Update: 3rd Trimester at 28 Weeks!
Also: Here is a GREAT freebie for yourself or for a gift! –> FREE Nursing Pillow! ($40 Savings)
amy klinebough says
you look absolutly beautiful
Olivia Douglass says
You’re absolutely beautiful- congratulations!! 😀
Lanita says
You are a beautiful expecting momma!!! Even though you usually don’t show that much leg, you are pulling it off quite well! Congrats on the new addition soon!! 🙂
Tammy Meyers says
You look healthy and happy! Congrats to you and your family. <3
Jo says
OMG! You are beautiful. Flaunt it woman. Most of us never look that good!
Carol says
I feel your pain. I think we have all had many momzilla moments.(Pregnant or not) All worth it in the end though. 🙂 I think you look great too! Nothing to cry about.:)
Rita Risner says
You look wonderful and blessed with a healthy pregnancy. Enjoy the moment!
Xanthe Emerick says
You look fabulous! Don’t worry so much about the weight gain and just remember post baby that your body didn’t get that way in 2 months…give it time to get back to pre-baby! Best of luck to you!